Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Panic attacks....

I just fucking LOVE having panic attacks at school because of this whole epidemic.
I miss all three of them... Alot.
Since everyone in my grade reads Alexa and I's blog they know what is happening.
You kow how people take stuff out on food.... I take stuff out on energy drinks I drank three in an hour and I had the worst panic attack.
It just sucks that I lost another one, he said he would be fine. I..... Never mind everyone would pick on me [like they aren't already right]
Today when my Nana picked me up I saw him... I flipped him off and smiled. Like I said... He turned my friend into a bitch
I shall be a BITCH back.p.s. Just remember. I backed you up when he called you a lying bitch... I was wrong you ARE a BITCH

UPDATE: 4:52Hmp... They think they are funny, all of the history on my computer was cleared. All of my sites that were easy access becasue it was on my favorites tab was cleared also.
Thanks.... Love you too.

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