Friday, January 14, 2011

Dads house...

For the weekend I'm going to my dads house. I will not be on, he does have the internet but he never lets me go on it. He is a total douchebag, I never liked him at all.

Heres a story that sums everything up...

He left my mom when she was pregnant. She tried getting child support from him and I had to be with him for her to get child support. She agreed and I had to be with him when I was 3 I go every other weekend.

He is an alcoholic. Story ended...

My step mom and him got married on my birthday for some court thing my sadly half sisters mom is messed up in the head (Same dad different mom)

When I get home Sunday I will write about the Hell expereiences that I had that weekend.

I'm thinking of putting Twitter on my phone so I can keep everyone updated. I'm not sure.


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